Tag Des Deutschen Bieres (German Beer Day) 2024



Tag des deutschen Bieres (German Beer Day) – April 23

  • Significance: Celebrated in Germany, this day marks the anniversary of the Reinheitsgebot (Beer Purity Law), enacted on April 23, 1516.
  • This law was originally decreed by Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria, stipulating that only water, barley, and hops could be used in brewing beer. Yeast was later added to this list when its role in fermentation was better understood.
  • Celebrations: Various events such as brewery open houses, beer tastings, and festivals take place across Germany. It’s a day for celebrating the traditional craft of brewing and the cultural heritage of German beer​ (Wikipedia – Die freie Enzyklopädie)​.

International Beer Day – First Friday of August

  • Significance: This is a global celebration that started in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California. The goal is to unite the world under the banner of beer by appreciating brewers and bartenders and enjoying beer with friends.
  • Celebrations: Events are held worldwide, including beer tastings, happy hours, and themed parties. People also use this day to share and try beers from different cultures, promoting international camaraderie​ (Wikipedia – Die freie Enzyklopädie)​.

Tag des österreichischen Bieres (Austrian Beer Day) – September 30

  • Significance: In Austria, September 30 is dedicated to celebrating the country’s beer culture. It coincides with the traditional end of the beer brewing season and the start of the new brewing season.
  • Celebrations: Like in Germany, various events are held across Austria, including special beer releases, brewery tours, and educational sessions on brewing and beer history​ (Wikipedia – Die freie Enzyklopädie)​.

Tag des Schweizer Bieres (Swiss Beer Day) – Last Friday in April

  • Significance: In Switzerland, the last Friday in April is dedicated to celebrating Swiss beer. It highlights the country’s brewing traditions and the diversity of its beer offerings.
  • Celebrations: Breweries across Switzerland open their doors to the public, offering tours, tastings, and insight into the Swiss brewing process. This day is also used to promote local craft beers and foster appreciation for the industry​ (Wikipedia – Die freie Enzyklopädie)​.


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